7 day lockdown in South Australia
Dear A2P Tenant
The South Australian Government has announced a seven-day lockdown commencing at 6.00pm, 20 July 2021, to help manage the state’s recent COVID-19 outbreak.
Here at A2P, we are adjusting our work so that we follow that government advice.
We want to share what this means for our tenants:
- We will unfortunately have to pause our non-essential maintenance for the next 7 days
- We will continue to respond to any emergency home maintenance
- You can contact us in the usual way by phoning 8274 6300 or emailing [email protected]
- Our staff will be working as usual from home but our office needs to be closed to the public, including tenants.
We understand this can be a deeply upsetting time for South Australians, particularly those in most need and we will be here to support you during this time. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any tenancy questions.
Finally, we encourage you to visit https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/response for current government advice and for updates.
Take care,
The Access 2 Place Team