Register now for Pavely App

    Would you like to help find, rate and review the accessibility and inclusiveness of SA venues?

    The SA Government and The Moonshine Lab is developing Pavely, a first-of-its-kind smartphone app providing a directory of venues and facilities based on accessibility and overall inclusiveness. The app is an initiative of the State’s Disability and Inclusion Plan — Inclusive SA — and aims to drive greater community inclusion for the 300,000 people living with disability in South Australia.

    Here at Access 2 Place, we think it’s a terrific initiative that has the potential to help users plan outings and explore new places with greater knowledge and confidence. We’re signing up to help test and contribute.

    It’s wonderful to note that the app is being developed with lived experience – panel advisory board members contributed their experiences to help shape it. People with disability who have trialled the app reporting agree that “Pavely will be ‘life-changing’.”

    You can register to be one of the early users on the Pavely website.

    And see a video explainer on the Department of Human Services website.