AHURI Report – SDA in the social housing sector: Policy and practice

    At Access 2 Place, we fully endorse the recent findings of AHURI’s report, ‘Specialist Disability Accommodation in the social housing sector: Policy and practice’. This report illuminates the critical role that Community Housing Providers (CHPs) like A2P play in delivering Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA). Our deep understanding of the sector allows us to offer tailored, tenant-led experiences that substantially enhance living conditions for those with high and complex needs.

    Key Takeaways from the Report:

    A2P is committed to driving these changes, advocating for policies that empower our tenants and improve the SDA framework. We believe in building not just housing, but homes that foster independence and dignity.

    Download the full report below

    AHURI – SDA in the social housing sector: Policy & Practice Download