Let’s Bowl 8 December 2021

Are you an Access 2 Place tenant? If so, you’re invited to our December Bowling Day!
For those that missed out last November the A2P TAG have decided to host another bowling day!
This is an opportunity to have some fun and spend time with other tenants and A2P team members! Come along to the TAG meeting before the game starts and be involved. It’s free for tenants.
Wednesday 8 December 2021
Zone Bowling
Corner of Goodwood and Cross Roads
Westbourne Park
TAG Meeting to be held at 1.00pm
1.30pm for a 2.00pm start
Please RSVP by Monday 6 December to let us know that you’re coming.
Simply email [email protected] or telephone us on 8274 6300.
We can’t wait to go bowling with you again!