NDIA Employment Research

The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) recently released research into employability of NDIS participants with an intellectual disability, on the autism spectrum, and/or with psychosocial disability. This was to help understand what helps or makes it harder for participants to find and keep a job and plan a career.
Research participants said that having a job increased their connections with other people and “gave them a sense of purpose”. Having a paid job “made them feel proud, challenged and enthusiastic”.
The research also found a “lack of inclusive employment options” was the greatest barrier to participants finding and keeping a job. They said: “Having supports to meet base level needs (such as daily living, stable accommodation, mental and physical health) gave them the energy and time to find and keep a job or work on their career”.
Here at Access 2 Place, we are proud to play our part as a provider of accessible, affordable homes for people living with disability. We’re also excited about our innovative Tenant Wellbeing Project and a recent reorganisation of Housing Officer roles – with team members assigned to specific regions of South Australia. This all helps us build long term connections with tenants and to be part of their supportive network.
During regular engagement with our tenants, we hear about their goals and interests, including their career and housing ambitions.
This includes former A2P tenant, Norman. His A2P home was his first venture living independently, and he lived there for two and a half years.
When Norman set his goals as part of his NDIS plan, getting his own place was one of them. His A2P home was the first step in reaching this goal, but ultimately Norman wanted a place of his own.
Norman found employment that suited him, and after hard work and saving, he was able to purchase his own home in mid 2021.
That home is close to his work, family and supports. It’s a large two-bedroom property with a big yard, huge living area and loads of character, just like Norman. Next up on his savings plan is a trip to LA, and with his quiet determination and inner strength, we have no doubt he will get there.
The importance of stable employment and accommodation cannot be underestimated.
You can read more about the NDIA’s research here:

Image. Norman enjoying the fruits of his labour.