How do I rent a home with Access 2 Place?
If you are not a current tenant or you know someone who might be eligible for our accessible housing, the first step is reading information about renting with Access 2 Place.
Where are Access 2 Place homes located?
We have accessible homes across metropolitan Adelaide as well as Murray Bridge, Mount Gambier, Whyalla, Port Pirie and Kingscote.
What if I can’t pay my rent?
We understand that there may be occasions when finances get tight and your rent falls behind. It is very important that we are notified as soon as you are unable to make a payment so we can discuss payment arrangements with you.
If your rent falls behind frequently or without reason, it is a serious breach of your tenancy agreement and it will place your tenancy in jeopardy.
How do I arrange maintenance of my property and how long do I have to wait?
There are several ways to notify us of maintenance that is required in your home. More information on how to report maintenance can be found here.
We follow the Community Housing Maintenance and Accommodation Standards with regards to response times for maintenance. More information on expected wait times can be found here.
Who is responsible for the maintenance of the garden?
Tenants are responsible for their own garden maintenance. For example: mowing, watering and weeding. If you have concerns about large trees or overhanging branches please contact us for assistance.
If your home forms part of a complex, you may have some common or shared grounds such as walkways or driveways. We will arrange periodic garden maintenance to common (shared) areas.
Who is responsible for the smoke alarms?
We provide an annual smoke alarm service in your home. If your smoke alarm is not working, is damaged or has been removed for any reason, you must notify us immediately.
How often does Access 2 Place conduct inspections?
We conduct an asset inspection annually, to ensure we maintain buildings to a good standard.
To ensure you are happy and comfortable and are maintaining your home and garden to a reasonable standard, we conduct property inspections at least once and possibly twice a year.
What types of home visits can I expect?
To ensure your home is maintained to a good standard for you to live in, we may visit you for a number of different reasons from time to time. You will always be given appropriate notice as per the terms of your lease.
Types of home visits could include: asset inspection to check the physical condition of the property, tenancy inspection to check the overall condition of the property, as well as tenant meet and greets and maintenance visits on occasion.
What if my property gets damaged?
We understand that accidents happen and there may be some damage that has occurred in your home. If this happens you should notify us as soon as possible. Our staff will discuss the damage with you and arrange for repairs where necessary as well as discussing who might be responsible for payment of any repairs.
If I choose to change my support agency, do I need to move out?
No. You have a lease in your own name and you are free to change supports and remain in your home. You may invite support agencies into your home to provide support to you, but your lease protects you from having to move if you change supports.
If you are currently sharing your home with other people, these discussions will need to involve all lease holders living in the home.
Can my support agency set up an office in my home?
A support agency may only set up an office in your home with your permission. We will only consent to an office being set up in your home if this is something that you request.
If your home already has an office set up by your support agency you may request this be removed or you may request a contribution towards utilities and/or rent if you wish.
Can I make additions or changes to my property?
You may wish to make an alteration to your home or an addition such as an air-conditioner or other modifications. You may do so after providing details to us and gaining approval via the alternations and additions form here.
Do I need to notify Access 2 Place if I am away from home?
If you are planning on being absent from your home for an extended period of time it is recommended that you advise us of your absence. This will ensure that we do not schedule any home visits during your absence and help us to contact you in the case of an emergency.
Am I able to have visitors?
All Access 2 Place tenants are welcome to have visitors in their home. There are some definitions and criteria about what constitutes a visitor and how long they can be at your home and when you need to contact us. You can read more in our Visitors Policy below:
What happens if lose my keys / lock myself out?
We have homes right across metropolitan Adelaide and regional South Australia, and it is not possible for us to assist everyone in the event you lock yourself out or lose your keys.
It is recommended that you have a set of keys securely located with a trusted family member where possible. Alternatively, install a small key safe to the front or side of your home with a secure code to retrieve keys when needed.
If none of that is possible, you will be required to contact a locksmith to assist you and provide details of any lock changes to us. If keys are lost, the cost of replacement keys are the responsibility of the tenant.
How do I pay for water usage?
Water accounts generally remain in the name of the property owner so water will already be connected to your home when you move in. Your water usage obligations will be outlined in your lease with Access 2 Place and invoices will be issued to you, along with a copy of the water account as they become due for payment.
Can I have a pet?
We encourage our tenants to have pets where it is appropriate to do so. There are many things to be considered so you must seek written approval from us before getting a pet.
You can download our pet application or apply for a pet on line.
How is your rent calculated?

Do I need contents insurance?
Contents insurance is for the personal items that belong to you or others in your home.
Access 2 Place is not responsible for theft, breakdown or damage to personal belongings in your home and we recommend you take out contents insurance where required.
How do I make a complaint?
We welcome all feedback. You can find more information, and submit feedback via a form on our Feedback page.
How do I request a transfer to another Access 2 Place property?
If your needs have changed and you would like to be considered for a different home, you can contact our tenancy team.