Zero Tolerance Restrictive Practice Videos

    In the past, restrictive practices were often a first response to behaviours that caused significant harm to the person or others. It is now recognised that restrictive practices can present serious human rights infringements.

    In 2014, state and territory governments responded to this by endorsing the National Framework for Reducing and Eliminating the Use of Restrictive Practices in the Disability Service Sector.

    Under the NDIS Commission, registered providers who develop behaviour support plans or use restrictive practices (implementing providers) are required to comply with the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Framework, which is underpinned by the same high-level guiding principles, including human rights and a person-centred approach as the national framework.

    National Disability Services (NDS) have made available a range of online videos to help us identify restrictive practices in our homes.

    Videos provided by: National Disability Services (NDS) Zero Tolerance : Restrictive Access Video Resource
    Recognising Restrictions on Peoples Lives (Film)

    What are restrictive Practices?
    Recognising Restrictions to accessing items, activities and parts of the environment.
    Recognising Restrictions to free movement using physical force [film]